2012年2月27日 星期一

催芽有機黃豆 (Germination organic soybeans)

催芽有機豆漿 (Germination organic soybeans milk )

催芽有機黃豆保有最多GABA量(3.4%),每天飲用500cc催芽有機豆漿即可攝取約17mg GABA而達到降血壓功效
Germination organic soybeans preserves the greatest amount of GABA. The daily consumption of 500cc Germination organic soybeans milk that it can to intake of about 17mg of GABA to achieve the blood pressure lowering efficacy.

有機黃豆催芽過程 (Germination organic soybeans developing )


2012年2月26日 星期日

黑木耳露(汁) (Jelly juice of Cloud ears & Tree ears)

 黑木耳露(汁)  (Jelly juice of Cloud ears & Tree ears)

黑木耳露(汁)可作為飲料飲用、早點飲品或養生食品,其甘醇之味道,讓人更覺其自然與養生品嚐後更覺得精緻農產品之價值。美酒與咖啡、針珠與奶茶,常令人愛不釋手,當黑木耳露(汁)遇上催芽豆漿,其組合有令人意想不到之滋味 與營養價值,等待你之品嚐與珍愛台灣精緻農業產品之價值

黑木耳露(汁) 售價 80元/瓶

黑木耳露(汁)  (Jelly juice of Cloud ears & Tree ears) 


最用心調理之養生食品 ,值得你信賴

大自然之耳 ~ 黑木耳

大自然之耳 ~ 黑木耳
The ears of nature ~ Black ears

眾所周知之黑木耳又稱之雲之耳毛木耳、木耳樹之耳,在日本稱之樹上水母 (キクラゲ),在歐洲則稱之為猷太之耳膠質之耳

Black ear (Auricularia Polytricha) is known as “Cloud ear”, “Hairy wood ear”, “Wood ear”, “Tree ear”. It also called “Tree jellyfish” in Japan. In Europe, it is called “Jew’s ear” and “Jelly ear”.


"品香美食棧" 開張新喜/Nutrition & Health "Tasty inn" opening

賀 "品香美食棧" 開張
"Nutrition & Health Tasty inn" opening 


 This is an exclusive customization cooking inn, which provide nutrition, health, organic and health food. The Tasty Inn will gradually put forward a variety of local cuisine, story  and introduce Tainan cultural.  The Nutrition & Health Tasty inn look forward to your joined!
